Donate/Get Involved

Volunteering is at the heart of the Christian service and discipleship and our volunteers are amazing and many perform multiple tasks. Our churches depend on them, and there's always more to do. Using your gifts to get more involved regularly will give a sense of belonging, while serving God and your community.
Helping out with one-time events or a special project is ideal if you have a busy schedule, which won't allow you to commit weekly. If you are interested in volunteering, or if you have an idea about how you might want to get involved in the Benefice or with your local church (we are open to suggestions!) then have a chat with Rev Chris, who would love to hear from you via the email link at the foot of this page.
Why should we give money to our church?
First, we should give as part of our response to the love God shows to each one of us through the gift of his son Jesus Christ. Giving is an important part of our Christian commitment. The Bible tells us in 1 Chronicles 29:14, “For all things come from You. Of Your own do we give You.”
Second, we should give because the life and witness of our church incurs regular ongoing costs which it is our responsibility to meet.
Please prayerfully consider your sacrificial giving to our church. In particular, please consider giving regularly if you don’t already do so, either through the Parish Giving Scheme; a tax efficient way of regular giving, or by standing order. Your Treasurer will be pleased to discuss this with you. Names and contact details are shown on the Team page.
If you wish to make a gift, please contact your Treasurer. Askerswell also accept credit card donations and you can use the donation link below. You can also donate by using the QR codes below.
Thank you for your support.